Ed Tech

On this page I will post tutorials, links, and reviews of various technology tools that can be used in the classroom. There's a lot of amazing stuff out there - give something new a try!


How to make a QR code scan to link to an audio clip (could be used to put next to a child's writing linking to audio of the child reading their own work!) by Chartums
sample QR code

How to Make a Collage of Words in Any Shape (using Tagxedo) - by A Turn To Learn
Here's an example of a Tagxedo I made following her tutorial!

How to Change the Reading Level of Your Google Search Results - by A Turn To Learn
How to Print on Sentence Strips (such a time saver!) - by A Turn To Learn


On the Voki website you can create an avatar and program it to say anything you like! Kids get a kick out of it. Here's an example I made:

EduClipper is a Pinterest style clipboarding site just for educational resources!
Here's a short screencast intro that I did about the site:

Prezi is an online slideshow presentation tool like Power Point, but it has really cool graphics, zoom tools, and layouts to play with that are sure to engage your kiddos! Here's a really simple Prezi I did on Instructional Principles for ELLs as an example:

Chirbit is an audio recording website (podcasting) that you can use to create brief audio clips.

Animoto is a picture slideshow site with fun graphics and cool songs to add. I still need to play around with how to get the slideshow to slow down, but here's my quick example:


A Turn To Learn has created a bunch of word family Prezis that you can use in your own classroom!


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